Peter Wen is the founder, lead engineer, and project manager of MGMT. In a student presentation he saw the opportunity to use his hands, legs and voice to do something meaningful in his high school career. When not thinking about the buggy, Peter can be found tuning his bike for no particular reason, listening to overplayed pop music or playing fetch with his much too energetic dog... or all at the same time.
Ryan is the vice-president and CAD guy of MGMT. He converts the sketches of the buggy into a computer model and works on refining aspects of the buggy. Ryan is often found working on something in his engineering notebook. Most of the pages have things Ryan worked on with FIRST Robotics Team 907. Now he fills it with drawings of Moonbuggy Mark n+1 and constantly changing designs for a large, fast and, somewhat innovative 3D Printer.
Jenny is the web director, secretary, and external affairs officer at MGMT. When she first heard that a school club was trying to build a moonbuggy, she thought it was absolutely crazy and so fantastically new that she had to join. Though she isn't much of an engineer, she tries to help any way she can, especially when it involves playing with Photoshop and learning new bits of code. Jenny likes dubstep, punk rock, dancing, snowy days, and clothes with fuzzy trim.
Fahim is the lead welding technician at MGMT. He joined this group because he loves working with tools. He is a technical expert. Fahim is very athletic - he plays lots of sports like soccer, rugby, volleyball, and many more. He loves drawing, and he is a bit too quiet sometimes. After hearing about this group from Peter, Fahim decided to join so he could learn new stuff and make new friends.
Raheel is a...Hollister Model?!? Nah - he just works there. He is the lead mechanical technician at MGMT. He likes to play sports during most of his spare time. He is interested in cars, or anything dealing with RC cars, bikes, design, and so on. He enjoys hanging out with friends a lot and cracking jokes. Hearing about this Moonbuggy competition gave him the opportunity to get involved in more events and make new friends.
Sayan Faraz is the leader of MGMT’s marketing team, and designs logos, posters and other forms of media when needed. He is a lover of anything to do with design and creativity, and working with MGMT provided opportunities for both. In his spare time, Sayan loves to edit pictures and create digital art in Photoshop, read awesome books and watch artsy movies, play soccer, and sing along to almost every type of music you can imagine.
Kerui is a member of the MGMT marketing team and logistics team. She saw MGMT as an opportunity to take her interests in space beyond the classroom and pick up bits and pieces of knowledge on the way. Kerui enjoys bibimbap, samosas, and bubble tea, but she does not enjoy curry. She aspires to be a badminton-playing anesthesiologist who speaks at least five languages, all while roaming the world.
Lily is a member of the MGCI Moonbuggy Team. Interested in engineering, she hopped into the team curious and hoping to learn more about the seemingly intimidating competition. She likes food, talking to people, and taking long walks downtown. She hopes to be able to eventually write better autobiographies.
Lemuel's interest in outer space is what led him to join MGMT. Though he doesn't think he's capable of much, he likes to help out in whatever way he can. While he is not dreaming about cruising down a lunar valley, Lemuel likes to sit on the neighborhood swings and stare at the clouds.
Neerajen Sritharan is the political affairs specialist at MGMT. He is a tenth-grade student who enjoys playing cricket. He also enjoys eating curry while watching Bollywood movies, preferably in the presence of beautiful girls. He loves learning new skills and spends most of his time reading anything he can get his hands on. Neerajen's dream for the future is to become a world-renowned cricket player and to represent Sri Lanka in international tournaments.
Mike likes design. He likes the straight lines, the well defined curves, the objective no-nonsense feel of designing. But don't get him wrong, he likes being creative and thinking up new things as well. Moonbuggy requires all of these skills, and Mike looks forward to contributing and working on this project. In his spare time (which hardly ever happens), Mike likes to play trombone, sleep, and go to the library.
Daniel joined the MGCI Moonbuggy Team because it brings the top two of his academic interests, mathematics and science, together into one ambitious project. There are few limitations in this project and the potential is boundless. In his earlier years, he learned to play piano and to use the abacus proficiently. In his spare time, Daniel enjoys playing sports, watching a plethora of television shows, and socializing.
Teo is the female rider of MGMT. She is very interested in engineering and technology. She was always handy with tools, so she thought that helping with the buggy was a good idea. She enjoys the arts in general and when not doing her homework or thinking about all the projects she's working on, she can be found making covers to songs and dancing in her room (with the door closed of course).
Jackie is the blog content creator at MGMT. She is a grade 10 student at Marc Garneau. As a child, she always had some interest in NASA, space exploration, and astronomy so she thought she could help out in some way with this project. It was a great opportunity. Aside from procrastinating 24/7, she spends her spare time reading novels, trying to do homework (keyword: try), taking pictures, drawing, listening to music, and eating chocolate chip cookies.
Ryan is a technically skilled member of the MGMT construction team. His history and interests of constructing small scale models of common mechanisms and experimenting with electrical components has brought him to being a part of the MGMT. If not mountain biking by the Don River, Ryan is either doing school work or having a good time with family and friends.
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